4 Ways To Prevent Hair Loss


Losing hair is part of daily life. It is completely natural to lose 50-100 hairs per day, thanks to the natural hair growth cycle. For some of us, the amount that falls out can go from a nuisance to full-on alarming. In fact, about 2/3 of adults say they are concerned about hair loss.

There are a number of reasons why hair loss increases – genetics, hormonal imbalance, natural ageing, overall health & nutrition, and stress, which includes environmental stress. While some causes are what they are (you can’t change your genes or your age), there are some steps you can take to help prevent hair loss. Here are 4 things you can do…


1. Eat a balanced diet so your body has the nutrients it needs to grow your best hair.

Why a poor diet causes hair loss: The hair growth machine is a complex biological system that requires a mix of nutrients to keep it running. For example, deficiencies in iron, selenium, vitamin B12, and biotin (aka vitamin B7) have been linked to hair problems. A balanced diet is the best way for your body to absorb the nutrients it needs to fuel the hair growth cycle.

What to do about it:

  • Go Mediterranean for food inspiration. Combine lean proteins, leafy greens, colorful vegetables, iron (from beans or dates if you’re not a red meat eater), nuts, seeds, and low-fat dairy. Looking for a snack idea? Grabs some dates & almonds. The Mediterranean diet is an excellent source of inspiration for foods rich with nutrients for your hair.
  • Avoid crash dieting! This can lead to significant hair shedding.

2. Stay healthy! In addition to a balanced diet, sleep, stay active, and take steps to keep your body healthy.

Why it’s linked to hair loss: Hair cells are the 2nd fastest dividing cells in the body, which means hair requires massive amounts of energy to grow. If your body needs to deal with health issues, it sends that energy from hair to more vital areas. When the energy stops flowing, your hair can’t keep growing!

What to do about it: Get enough sleep, stay active, hydrate, and do what works for you to lower your stress levels. This may be easier said than done, but what’s good for your body is also good for your hair.


3. Minimize Stress – Especially environmental stress.

Research has linked an environmental stress, technically known as oxidative stress, to premature hair loss.

Why it causes hair loss: Oxidative stress – something we all face - can come from UV exposure, pollution and moisture. It weakens the hold your scalp has on hair roots, which means hair is lost before the natural growth cycle is ready to let go of it.

What to do about it:

  • Cover your hair & scalp when you are outside, especially during the summer months. UV exposure leads to oxidative stress, and it is especially high in New Zealand. Blocking it with hats, scarves or other forms of cover does help.
  • Use antioxidants to fight oxidative stress. KeepItAnchored’s hair loss prevention products were created around the HairAnchor Blend, which is a mix of antioxidants, B-vitamins and zinc minerals. The blend has been clinically-proven to prevent daily hair loss by reducing oxidative stress. Start with the HairAnchoring Essence, a daily leave-on treatment with the most concentrated dose of the antioxidant blend. It comes in 2 versions – an ESSENCE FOR MEN and an ESSENCE FOR WOMEN.
  • Shampoo your scalp and hair regularly to wash away the build up that can lead to more oxidative stress. KeepItAnchored’s Shampoo with the clinically-proven HairAnchor Blend will give an extra dose of oxidative stress-fighting antioxidants while you wash.


4. Cool it with the styling Stress.

Another reason you may be seeing more hair falling is because of styling stress. This is not changing how your hair grows, but it does change the hair outside of your scalp. If you are colour-treating, heat-styling, and tight up-doing your hair, this is for you.

Why it causes hair loss: Intense heat and chemical processes like colouring break down hair’s structure, taking hair fibers to their breaking point. Literally. Hair fibers snap in half even if it is still growing well beneath the scalp.

What to do about:

  • Find a look that’s closer to your natural hair texture so there is less you have to do to create it – less heat, less tugging.
  • Turn the heat dial on your flat-iron or curling-iron below 190°C. You do far more damage above this temperature than below it.
  • Let your hair flow rather than wearing it in a tightly pulled back style.
  • Use conditioners every time you shampoo & deep treatments often (at least weekly) to strengthen your hair against breakage. They can replenish hair with nutrients that it loses from styling so it can be more resilient.

Long story short - hair loss is common and some causes are more controllable than others. Decide the steps that best suit your lifestyle and be patient. While some may give noticeable results quickly, they all take time and commitment to reap the full rewards.